The "3D Panorama Mapper" free online app transforms a panorama photo into a
3D volume. You may then animate, publish, share, take & save snapshots...
Available mappings
Inside cylinder
Inside sphere
Outside cylinder
Outside sphere
Available controls
- Image flip - vertical
- 3D Mapping - mapping type, field of view, zoom
- Image Adjust - brightness, contrast, hue, saturation
- Light & Background - shading, background color
- Animation - speed
- Take a snapshot - save current view
- Publish
Advanced features
The app is not limited to panorama, you can get very interesting effects
with all types of pics, for example:
PNG pictures with transparency
Transparent oceans
Anamorphosis has many applications, like creating decorations, for example:
Plate decoration
By default, anamorphosis shows sky in the middle of the picture. You may change
it easily by pushing the "Flip Vertically"
Original, sky inside
Vertical Flip, sky outside
How to shoot a panorama
- DSLR cameras
Some cameras like Sony's SLT-series, allow direct panorama shooting
- Windows & Mac
Many Windows and Mac panorama softwares are available, see
- Android
On most devices the standard Camera app has a panorama mode: From
shooting mode, select panorama. For best results, hold your
device vertically.
- iPhone/iPad
Look for
DMD Panorama
It produces very nice 360° seamless panoramics.