To launch the app

From any published Morphing or i-Video or Photo cube hit

Hints, how to make a good animated GIF

GIF file size

GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) is a very old standard format with poor compression. It is widely used to display small animated icons but not large images with a lengthy animation.
For example a 10 seconds 640x480 GIF file played at 25 frames/second will have a size of around 50 MBytes!!!

Therefore, it is necessary to find the best compromise between GIF dimension, animation duration and frames per second to get an acceptable GIF file size.
The GIF converter displays a rough estimate of the GIF file size. Note that this is a very rough estimate based on average images. Actual sizes may be much lower for graphic images and higher for photos with many details.

A typical small GIF,
file size is 54 KB

Before you hit "Convert to GIF"...

1- Adjust GIF quality to the smallest acceptable value
2- Select the minimum acceptable duration
3- Select the minimum acceptable frame rate
4- Check the displayed estimated GIF file size


240x180, 20fps, size=867KB
120x90 resized to 240x180
15fps, size=134 KB
240x180, 20fps, estimated 400kB
but only 100kB

Credit: GIF encoder from  Copyright (c) 2013 Johan Nordberg